Sliding Window with a Dynamic Size
Let's use Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters as our example.
A brute-force approach would consist in checking every substring and stop as soon as we find a duplicated characters. We have a total of substrings and we would require to look for duplicated characters. So our total time complexity would be , where is the length of the string.
In this case, we do not have an explicit window of a certain size as for the previous example. However, we can still apply a sliding window algorithm.
In fact, suppose that we do not have repeated characters in the input string: the window will be the entire string itself.
Now, let's suppose to have an example like abcdaefghi
Here, a
is the duplicated character, which is at positions 0
and 4
We can build a window from the first a
till the second one,
then, we can shrink the window till the a
is not repeated anymore,
which means that the window will start from b
to a
till 4
Lastly, we can continue increasing our window till the end,
since we do not have other duplicated characters.
The implementation would look something like:
from typing import Set
class Solution:
def lengthOfLongestSubstring(self, s: str) -> int:
chars: Set[str] = set()
ans = left = 0
for right, char in enumerate(s):
while char in chars:
left += 1
win_size = right - left + 1
ans = max(ans, win_size)
return ans
Which has the following complexity:
- Time:
- Space:
Where is the size of the string and is the number of distinct characters in the string .