Find All Anagrams in a String
The problem description can be found in LeetCode.
This is a classic Sliding Window with a Static Size problem.
In fact, all we need to do is to keep track of a static window of size |p|
by checking the characters of the string s
Once the window with such size is completed,
we can compare it with the counter
of the string p
If they are equal, it means that we found a valid anagram.
from typing import List
class Solution:
def findAnagrams(self, s: str, p: str) -> List[int]:
if len(p) > len(s):
return []
s_counter = self.get_default_counter()
p_counter = self.get_chars_counter(p)
ans = []
left = 0
for right, char in enumerate(s):
s_counter[self.get_counter_idx(char)] += 1
win_size = right - left + 1
if win_size > len(p):
s_counter[self.get_counter_idx(s[left])] -= 1
left += 1
if p_counter == s_counter:
return ans
def get_default_counter(self) -> List[int]:
return [0] * 26
def get_counter_idx(self, char: str) -> int:
assert isinstance(char, str)
assert len(char) == 1
assert "a" <= char <= "z"
return ord(char) - ord("a")
def get_chars_counter(self, s: str) -> List[int]:
counter = self.get_default_counter()
for char in s:
counter[self.get_counter_idx(char)] += 1
return counter
- Time:
- Space:
Where is the size of the s